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Third Time's a Charm

It's cliche, but maybe therein lies a grain of truth. Welcome to my third personal blog. The first was created several years ago and shall not be further described while the second, VetWrite, lasted a respectable eight years during which I interviewed some lovely and interesting veterinarians who also pursued various creative passions (archives exist here). I'm looking at this third attempt as a simple place to collect odds and ends I find interesting, weird, helpful, and fun. In other words, my personal, virtual curiosity cabinet.

The German word is wunderkammer, meaning "cabinet of wonders." People throughout the centuries have needed places to store their shells, bugs, bones, minerals, old texts, and artifacts. To satisfy this need, intricate cabinets and drawers were designed to hold, organize, and display these items of personal value, signifying natural history, adventure, and the ability to appreciate the mysteries and beauty of the world. People still need these places. I hope you'll enjoy my growing collection as much as I will.

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