What I wouldn't give for Hunter S. Thompson to be alive right now. He's always on my to-read list but recent events have pushed one of his collections to the top of the heap (Gonzo Papers Vol 1The Great Shark Hunt). And, as expected but maybe not quite so on the nose, the very first piece is an editorial of his published in The New York Times, January 1, 1974. Here's an excerpt:
Nixon, at least, was blessed with a mixture of arrogance and stupidity that caused him to blow the boilers almost immediately after taking command. By bringing in hundreds of thugs, fixers, and fascists to run the government, he was able to crank almost every problem he touched into a mindbending crisis. About the only disaster he hasn't brought down on us yet is a nuclear war with either Russia or China or both . . . but he still has time, and the odds on his actually doing it are not all that long. But we will get to that in a moment.
If you just tweak the name here. . . you get my drift. History repeats, time is a circle, etc. etc.
Who will be our Gonzo journalist now?
In other news, I found a cool piece of quartz on a hike in the George Washington National Forest a few weeks ago. Away it goes into the Curio Cabinet for safe keeping.
Let's end on a pretty note: Penny the draft horse with the last of the summer's cosmos blooms. That girl knows how to work the light.